September 24, 2024 “Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute” issue 4(175) for 2024 was published
September 11, 2024 “Information technology and computer engineerin” issue 1(59) for 2024 was published
September 06, 2024 “Sententiae” vol. 43 issue 2 for 2024 was published
July 25, 2024 “Optoelectronic Information-Power Technologies” issue 1(47) for 2024 was published
July 12, 2024 “Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Transport” issue 1(19) for 2024 was published
July 04, 2024 “Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute” issue 3(174) for 2024 was published
June 04, 2024 “Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute” issue 2(173) for 2024 was published
May 10, 2024 “Sententiae” vol. 43 issue 1 for 2024 was published
April 29, 2024 “Information technology and computer engineerin” issue 3(58) for 2023 was published
April 17, 2024 “Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute” issue 1(172) for 2024 was published
April 02, 2024 “Health and Safety Pedagogy” vol. 8 issue 1-2 for 2023 was published
February 29, 2024 “INNOVATION and SUSTAINABILITY” issue 4 for 2023 was published.
February 26, 2024 “INNOVATION and SUSTAINABILITY” issue 3 for 2023 was published.
February 23, 2024 “INNOVATION and SUSTAINABILITY” issue 2 for 2023 was published.
February 20, 2024 “Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Transport” vol. 18 issue 2 for 2023 was publishe
February 14, 2024 “Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute” issue 6(171) for 2023 was published
January 16, 2024 “Modern technology, materials and design in construction” issue 2(35) for 2023 was published
December 22, 2023 “Optoelectronic Information-Power Technologies” issue 2(46) for 2023 was published
December 12, 2023 “Sententiae” vol. 42 issue 3 for 2023 was published
December 06, 2023 “Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute” issue 5(170) for 2023 was published
December 04, 2023 “Information technology and computer engineerin” issue 2(57) for 2023 was published
October 27, 2023 “Health and Safety Pedagogy” vol. 7 issue 1-2 for 2022 was published
October 20, 2023 “Health and Safety Pedagogy” vol. 6 issue 1-2 for 2021 was published
October 19, 2023 “Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute” issue 4(169) for 2023 was published
October 18, 2023 “Health and Safety Pedagogy” vol. 5 issue 2 for 2020 was published
October 17, 2023 “Optoelectronic Information-Power Technologies” issue 1(45) for 2023 was published
October 16, 2023 “Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Transport” vol. 17 issue 1 for 2023 was publishe

Sententiae is the historico-philosophical open access journal. Our purpose is to foster the development of a wide gamut of contemporary approaches, active implementation of them into research practice, and establishment of high standards of teaching philosophy at the universities basing on the achievements of contemporary history of philosophy.
Our key priority is to ensure the empirical substantiation of historico-philosophical conceptions, basing on the criteria of literality, exhaustivity, contextuality and taking into account the existing speculative interpretations. Jean-Luc Marion was the first to formulate these criteria in 1998 as the main features of contemporary researches of Descartes's philosophy. We regard these principles as the methodological background of any substantiated research method in the history of philosophy.
Publishing materials on any historico-philosophical topics, we pay special attention to researches in terminology, issues of philosophical translation and untranslatability, manuscripts researches (including handwritten heritage of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy professors of ХVІІ–ХVІІІ century), and cover the development of large-scale projects in this area. We also publish new translations of foreign philosophical texts. Among our priorities there is also a coverage of the history of philosophical thought in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries and its connections with the wide cultural context (theology, literature, natural sciences, political ideology etc).
Founded in 2000.
Published thrice a year, on April 30, on August 30, and November 30.
We publish articles in Ukrainian, English, German, and French,
Oleg Khoma, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN (Print) 2075-6461
ISSN (Online) 2308-8915
DOI: 10.22240/sent
International databases and directories
Abstract and citation database SCOPUS (since 2015).
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ULRICHSWEB (requires registration)
Bibliographic database WorldCAT link1 link2 link3
Philosophy Documentation Center
Academic database in Philosophy Philpaper
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
The journal supports the project of digitization of materials on the history of Ukrainian philosophy Archivum Sententiarum
Address: Department of philosophy, Vinnytsia National Technical university, 95, Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine
Principal Contacts
Oleg Khoma, Vinnytsia National Technical University
Phone: +380 63 551 0779
of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute

Journal «Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute» is a scientific edition. Journal publishes papers containing new theoretical and practical results in the spheres of engineering, natural science, humanities. Surveys of current research of scientific problems, scientific conferences, held at Vinnytsia National Technical University papers dealing with problems of teaching methods and pedagogics at higher education institutions.
Main sections of the journal:
- — automation and information-measuring equipment;
- — civil engineering
- — ecoloigy and environmental security
- — economics and management
- — energy generation, electric engineering and electromechanics;
- — information technologies and computer science;
- — mechanical engineering and transport
- — radioelectronics and radioelectronic equipment manufacturing
- — strategy, content and new technologies of training specialists at higher education institutions
Founded in December 1993.
The journal is published 6 times per year.
The journal is published in Ukrainian
Borys I. Mokin, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 1997–9266 Vìsnik Vìnnicʹkogo polìtehnìčnogo ìnstitutu (Print)
ISSN 1997-9274 Vìsnik Vìnnicʹkogo polìtehnìčnogo ìnstitutu (Online)
DOI: 10.31649/1997-9266
International databases and directories
Index Copernicus International
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Ukrainian abstracts journal "Source" ("Dzherelo")
Address: 21021 Vinnytsya, Khmelnytsky highway 95
Address: Vinnytsia National Technical university, 95, Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine
Principal Contacts
Valentine Golubieva
of Mechanical Engineering and Transport

The magazine "Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Transport" is a scientific publication for publishing articles containing new theoretical and practical results in the field of mechanical engineering and transport.
Submitted materials in the following areas are published in the Bulletin:
- — Transport and transportation technologies
- — Modern technologies in mechanical engineering, welding and related process and technology, nanotechnology
- — Mechatronics. Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators for various technological purposes, vibration and vibration shock machines and technologies
- — Reliability and durability of mechanisms and machines, machine parts and metal structure strength of lifting transport machine
- — Machinery safe operation
- — Development and modern requirements for weapons and military equipment
- — Modern equipment and advanced technologies in weapons and military equipment production
- — Current issues of psychological support for military personnel
Founded in January 2015
Journal is published twice per year.
Articles are published in Ukrainian or English
Andrii Poliakov, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Web site:
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 2415-3486 (Print) Vìsnik mašinobuduvannâ ta transportu
ISSN 2413-4503 (Online) Vìsnik mašinobuduvannâ ta transportu
DOI: 10.31649/2413-4503
International databases and directories
Index Copernicus International
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: 21021, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky highway, 95
Andrii Poliakov,, Science doctor, professor, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Executive Secretary
Vitalyi Kashkanov, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Information technology and computer engineering

The international scientific and technical journal "Information Technologies and Computer Engineering" is a Ukrainian scientific professional publication. The journal publishes articles containing new theoretical and practical results in the fields of technical and natural sciences. Also published are reviews of the current state of development of important scientific problems, reviews of scientific and scientific-practical conferences.
Sections of the magazine:
- — Biological and medical devices and systems
- — Information Technology
- — Computer systems and components
- — Mathematical modeling and computational methods
- — Instruments and methods of control and determination of substance composition
- — Radiometers
Founded in July 2004.
Journal is published three times a year
Published by Vinnytsya National Technical University.
Editor in Chief
Aleksey Azarov, Vinnytsya National Technical University, Ukraine
Web site:
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 1999-9941 (print) Ìnformacìjnì tehnologìï ta kompʼûterna ìnženerìâ.
ISSN 2078-6387 (online) Ìnformacìjnì tehnologìï ta kompʼûterna ìnženerìâ.
International databases and directories
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: 21021, Vinnytsya, Khmelnytsky highway 95
Principal Contact
Olexiy Azarov, Editor-in-Chief
Andrii Kozhemiako, Executive Secretary
Phone: 0677467038
Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University

«Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University» is an on-line scientific journal in the spheres of technical sciences. It is English version of «Naukovi pratsi Vinnyts'koho natsional'noho tekhnichnoho universytetu».
The aim of the edition is publication of new scientific information, obtained as a result of the research activity of leading scientists of Ukraine, other countries and its communication in Ukraine and abroad. The content of the edition comprises the original scientific articles or articles of the survey character which have not been published before.
The journal was founded in 2006.
“Scientific works of Vinnytsia National Technical University” is a quarterly journal.
Editor in Chief
Petro D. Lezhniuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Web site:
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 2307-5392 (online) Scientific works of Vinnytsia National Technical University
DOI: 10.31649/2307-5392
International databases and directories
Google Scholar
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: 21021 Vinnytsya, Khmelnytsky highway 95
Principal Contact
Petro D. Lezhniuk,Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor with the Department of Electric Stations and Systems.
Optoelectronic Information-Power Technologies

The journal is intended for publication containing new theoretical and practical results in the area of engineering and natural science, as well as publications devoted problems dealing with teaching of engineering sciences.
The journals publishes the articles in the area of:
- – Principal concepts and structural approaches to the three-level system of specialist training: “Bachelor-Engineer-Master” in the specialization of “Optoelectronic Information-Energy Technologies”;
- – Optoelectronic/Digital Methods and Systems for Image/Signal Processing;
- – Systems of Technical Vision and Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition;
- – Optical and Quantum Electronics in Computer and Intelligent Technologies;
- – Biomedical Optoelectronic Systems and Apparatus;
- – Optoelectronic Devices and Components in Laser and Energy Technologies;
- – Optical and Optoelectronic Sensors and Transformers for Systems of Control and Ecology Monitoring;
- – Fiber-Optical Technologies for Information (Internet, Intranet etc.) and Energy Networks;
- – Systems and Devices for Information Representation;
- – Optoelectronic Technologies for Energy Saving;
- – Alternative scientific ideas and hypotheses.
The journal was founded in 2001 році.
Journal is published twice per year.
Articles are published in Ukrainian or English
Editor in Chief
Sergii V. Pavlov, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Web site:
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 1681-7893 (Print) Optiko-elektronnì ìnformacìjno-energetičnì tehnologìï
ISSN 2311-2662 (Online) Optiko-elektronnì ìnformacìjno-energetičnì tehnologìï
DOI: 10.31649/1681-7893
International databases and directories
Google Scholar
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: 21021, Vinnytsya, Khmelnytsky highway, 95
Principal Contact
Sergii V. Pavlov, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Phone: +38(0432)51-32-56
Pedagogika bezpeky (Health and Safety Pedagogy)

The journal publishes articles, containing new theoretical and practical results in the fields of education, vocational training and life safety. The state of the art reviews of the development of important scientific problems, surveys of scientific and practical conferences are also published in the journal..
The journal was founded in 2016.
«Pedagogika bezpeky» is Biannual Journal.
Articles are published in the original language (Ukrainian or English)
Editor in Chief
Olexander V. Kobylyanskyi,
Web site:
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 2524-1079 (Print)
ISSN 2524-1087 (Online)
International databases and directories
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: 21021 Vinnytsya, Khmelnytsky highway 95
Principal Contact
Olexander V. Kobylyanskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Phone: +38 067-689-30-29
Sofiia V. Dembitska, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (0432) 598-252
Modern technology, materials and design in construction

The Journal publishes new theoretical and practical results in the field of technical sciences. Also published reviews of the current state of development of important scientific problems, review of scientific conferences held in VNTU.
Focus and Scope:
- — building construction
- — building materials and products
- — soil mechanics and foundations
- — Building Production Technology
- — simulation of building production
- — organization, management and economy in construction
- — network engineering constructions
- — energy conservation in construction
Founded in 2004.
«Modern technology, materials and design in construction» is published twice per year.
Articles in the journal are published in Ukrainian or English
Editor in Chief
Igor Dudar, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
Web site:
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 2311-1429 (print) Sučasnì tehnologìï, materìali ì konstrukcìï v budìvnictvì
ISSN 2311-1437 (online) Sučasnì tehnologìï, materìali ì konstrukcìï v budìvnictvì
DOI: 10.31649/2524-1079
International databases and directories
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: 21021 Vinnytsya, Khmelnytsky highway 95
Principal Contact
Vitaliy Shvets, Executive Secretary
Phone: +380 68 216 07 60
Innovation and Sustainability

Program goals: publishing the results of scientific research in the field of economics and management, promoting the improvement of domestic exchange of scientific and economic information in the field of economics and management, raising the level of Ukrainian science to the international level.
Topics of the journal
- The scientific journal «Innovation and Sustainability» covers research in the following specialties:
- 051 «Economy»;
- 073 «Management»;
- 075 «Marketing»;
- 076 «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities».
Published since December 2021
Frequency: 4 times a year
Manuscript languages: mixed languages: Ukrainian, English
Certificate of state registration of print media: Series КВ № 25028-14968Р (08.11.2021).
Editor in Chief
Iryna Yepifanova – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Finance and Innovation Management, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 2786-5940 (Print) Innovation and Sustainability
ISSN 2786-5959 (Online) Innovation and Sustainability
International databases and directories
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Address: Scientific journal "Innovation and Sustainability", room 2222, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Khmelnytsky highway, 95, 21021, Vinnytsya, Ukraine. Editor-in-Chief Iryna Yepifanova Email:; Tel.: +380679609804 Executive Secretary Lyudmila Tkachuk Email:
Environmental Problems

The journal accepts articles in such areas as:
— Ecology;
— Environmental protection;
— Environmental technologies;
— Ecological Safety;
— Regional environmental problems.
Scientific journal «Environmental Problems» founded in 2016.
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Language editions: English
Founder and Publisher: Lviv Polytechnic National University, Vinnytsia National Technical University, and others.
Chief Editor
Sc.D., Prof. Myroslav Malovanyy
Web site:
ISSN: 2414-5955 (print)Environmental problems
ISSN: 2522-4417 (online)Environmental problems
DOI: 10.23939/ep
International databases and directories
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, Bandery str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Phone: : + 38 032 258 2453
Filosofiya osvity. Philosophy of Education

Fìlosofìâ osvìti. Philosophy of Education (ISSN 2309-1606 (print), ISSN 2616-7662 (online) ) is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine in cooperation with Ukrainian Society of Philosophy of Education. It is a peer-reviewed journal with open access, which focuses on theoretical, methodological and praxeological problems of the philosophy of education. It publishes articles presenting a wide range of philosophical and educational issues, in particular, the problems of the transformation of education in the context of globalization, the information and communication revolution in the context of a transit society, which is Ukraine. The journal forms the space of philosophical discourse, deduces modern research into understanding the strategies of reforming education in the 21 st century from the standpoint of different methodologies and philosophical approaches. The journal published translations of the works of well-known philosophers (M. Horkheimer, T. Adorno, J. Habermas, P. Sloterdijk) and original articles, interviews by well-known contemporary philosophers, sociologists and educators, such as William McBride, Peter McLaren, Edgar Morin, Ervin Laszlo, Piotr Sztompka, Jenifer Gore, Jan de Groof, Michael Peters, Francis Fukuyama, Michael Burawoy, Jin-Whan Park, Ken Roberts, Andrew Feenberg. The journal is the center of professional consolidation of the Ukrainian community of education researchers and also develops contacts with academic communities from other countries. The editorial board is presented by researchers from Ukraine, USA, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Sweden. Its activity includes not only the publication of the journal but also the holding of scientific conferences, methodological seminars, roundtables on topical issues of education, popularization, and implementation of research ideas and developments in educational practice.
Founded in 2005.
Published twice a year.
Articles are published in Ukrainian or English.
Chief Editor
Mykhaylo BOYCHENKO, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Web site:
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 2309-1606 (print) Fìlosofìâ osvìti
ISSN 2616-7662 (online) Fìlosofìâ osvìti
DOI: 10.31874/2309-1606
International databases and directories
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: Institute of Higher Education, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 9, Bastionna str., of. 902, Kyiv, 01014, Ukraine
Principal Contact
Mykhaylo Boychenko, Chief Editor
Phone: : +380 96 788 45 88
Filosofska dumka (Philosophical Thought)

Filosofska dumka (Philosophical Thought) is a leading philosophical magazine in Ukraine. It exists since 1927 as the organ of the most authoritative Ukrainian research institution in the field of philosophy – Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in the Soviet period – Academy of Sciences of Ukr.SSR).
We use to publish (1) high-quality and original Academic papers in philosophy, independent of the topic field, philosophizing style and methodological priorities; (2) materials of philosophical discussions; (3) reviews of books, descriptions of books and specially ordered critical considerations.
The works representing the “points of growth” of the current philosophic knowledge, having high heuristic potential, initiating and maintaining new trends and methods of research make our journal priority.
Founded in 1927
Published 6 times a year.
Articles are published in Ukrainian or English.
Chief Editors
Anatolii YERMOLENKO, Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine),
Serhii YOSYPENKO, Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Web site:
Make a Submission (registration is required)
ISSN 2522-9338 (Print) Fìlosofsʹka dumka. Філософська думка.
ISSN 2522-9346 (Online) Fìlosofsʹka dumka. Філософська думка.
DOI: 10.15407/fd
International databases and directories
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
Open Ukrainian Citation Index OUCI
Address: G.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine, Triokhsviatytelska st., 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01001
Principal Contact
Svitlana Ivashchenko, H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine
Phone: 38 063 448 47 58